Independent infrastructure manager

Scale Gas mission is to build, operate and maintain the infrastructures needed to handle your LNG along the new small scale logistic chain.

Business model

The increase on the demand of natural gas related with the use as a fuel in transportation sector (usually known as “new uses”), as well as the delivery of small volumes of LNG for traditional uses, requires the deployment of a logistic chain that includes both infrastructures and logistics to supply natural gas wherever it may be necessary.


We invest, develop and manage complex small scale LNG infrastructures and logistics, providing services to those companies which are centered in the molecule and require specialized solutions in this field.


Among our clientes, we find:


  • Shipper companies
  • Traders
  • Final consumers
  • Fuel delivery and distribution companies
  • Port Authorities
  • Governments 


Scale Gas is your partner in small scale. We will care for your LNG in the small scale field, being focused in achieving the most cost-efficient, robust, safe and secure solution on infrastructure, from an integral point of view and with a high management and finance capacity.


LNG as a fuel in transportation sector

Maritime sector (bunker)

LNG is the only alternative-to-oil fuel in the maritime sector. The use of LNG in the vessel propulsion allows ship owners to comply with the strict environmental regulation, to obtain savings in OPEX against oil distillates and to reduce their carbon footprint.


Depending on the demands and volumes to be supplied, the infrastructure and the logistic chain needed may require integral, complex and capital intensive projects.


Scale Gas develops integral supply solutions for attending LNG bunker demand, from LNG Terminals to logistics.

Road sector

The use of natural gas as a fuel in light and heavy duty vehicles allows to reduce the final cost per kilometer and to have a more sustainable fleet.


The development of a network of refueling points enough to attend the whole territory is important to allow final users to reload their vehicles in the right conditions.


Scale Gas aims to develop a network of refueling points that allows selling natural gas to final users.

LNG supply to remote areas

Handling LNG in small volumes is now possible due to different technology developments.


This opens a huge potential market to supply natural gas to areas where long distances from the pipeline network, or small demand, didn’t make it profitable to construct a pipe like for example islands.


Power generation necessities, housing or industrial demand, are now supplyable by small scale LNG terminals and logistics.


Scale Gas is the most suitable partner for complex small scale projects.

High capabilities for the small scale LNG market

Small scale infrastructure usually requires high investments, management capacity and specialized solutions. Scale Gas is your partner for complex small scale infrastructures and logistics.